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Page Speed Soon to be a Factor in Mobile Rankings

Page Speed Soon to be a Factor in Mobile Rankings

In our April 21 blog article entitled Why A Website Speed Audit Should Be On Your Front Burner, we provided a detailed look at the search engine ranking issues caused by slow webpage load times. At the time, these issues were not a concern for mobile sites. . .

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Podcasting to Heighten Visibility and SEO

Podcasting to Heighten Visibility and SEO

In the digital marketing arena, podcasting is hardly the new kid on the block. Yet it has grown by leaps and bounds in terms of audience and impact since the fall of 2014.

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Optimizing WordPress posts to heighten SEO

Optimizing WordPress posts to heighten SEO

With its relatively short learning curve and user-friendly interface, the WordPress content management system (CMS) has become an invaluable tool for hands-on marketers in the small business space. The most important factor for driving engagement and conversions via WordPress is the ability to . . .

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Why A Website Speed Audit Should Be On Your Front Burner

Why A Website Speed Audit Should Be On Your Front Burner

The age of high-speed digital communication has created a mindset of instant gratification unlike any previous time in human history. And within the past few years, the need for speed when it comes to webpage load time has become more acute than ever.

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Strengthening Your Social Pull

Strengthening Your Social Pull

As opposed to the old-school approach of outbound “push” marketing, the art and science of inbound “pull” marketing is all about finding ways to attract and nurture the most appropriate prospects.

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Optimizing conversion rates through A/B testing.

Optimizing conversion rates through A/B testing.

Getting your content marketing and SEO effort to drive substantial traffic to your site is certainly a major accomplishment. However, the real golden ticket lies in optimizing your landing pages to maximize conversion rates.

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Email Marketing - Using Personalized Subject Lines Effectively

Email Marketing - Using Personalized Subject Lines Effectively

Here are a few best practices you should know in order to artfully mine the benefits of subject-line personalization.

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Making the most of a rebranding effort

Making the most of a rebranding effort

Especially for B2B marketers, there can be many reasons to undertake a rebranding effort. Potential motivators for a refresh of your company’s brand icon and positioning include:

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Driving more conversions with fewer emails

Driving more conversions with fewer emails

Many marketers still treat email marketing like a numbers game — blasting thousands of emails to a tout-le-monde type list. This approach is not only a waste of time and money. It can alienate valuable subscribers, who quickly tire of irrelevant content and offers. At best, they’ll start to ignore your emails. At worst, you’ll lose valuable subscribers who are never coming back.

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Realizing a search engine is not a person

Realizing a search engine is not a person

As the capabilities of SEO have increasingly become more diverse and robust, marketers now have access to an extremely sophisticated set of tools for the engagement and conversion of online searchers. The latest is the meteoric rise of the focus on semantic search: which uses highly structured “schema” markup to align SEO with the actual intent behind individual searches. Even with these advanced tools at your disposal, it’s more crucial than ever to remember:

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Turning customer intent into an SEO advantage

Turning customer intent into an SEO advantage

For years now, most digital marketers have designed their websites to try to drive visitors to certain key pages. Here’s the problem with that plan: individual visitors have a mind of their own.

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Getting Social Media to Get Business.

Getting Social Media to Get Business.

As with other media and marketing channels, you need to adopt field-proven strategies to maximize your results from social media. Here are some valuable ways to generate interest, inquiries and leads — in order to grow your business and enhance your bottom line.

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