In our January 2021 article on ADA compliance for websites, we apprised Neptune Web followers of the substantially more stringent federal guidelines enacted in 2020. Failure to ensure your website is sufficiently accessible to disabled persons, as outlined by the Web Content Accessibility Guideline (WCAG), can result in regulatory challenges and lawsuits. This is especially true for companies and entities whose audiences include a substantial percentage of disabled persons.
A tax credit of up to $5,000 by filling out a simple form.
The good news is, by filing the Disabled Access Credit IRS Form 8826, eligible small businesses can obtain a tax credit for 50% of up to $10,000 in reasonable and necessary ADA related expenditures. To qualify for the Disabled Access Credit, up to a maximum credit of $5,000 per year, a small business must have had gross receipts of $1 million or less — or 30 or fewer full-time employees — in the previous tax year.
Potential tax savings for needed website improvements.
This article is provided by Neptune Web solely for informational purposes, and should not be relied on for tax, legal or accounting advice. Consult with your own team of advisors to determine your eligibility for the Disabled Access Credit, and whether it is feasible for your company/entity to pursue.