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Update to command line HTML search and replace tool

In March 2006, Neptune Web developed a simple UNIX command-line, open source search-and-replace utility for performing searches against free-form HTML files.

We knew it would be useful to others, so we wrote a magazine article about it. The article appeared in Sysadmin Magazine, as Better Find and Replace on HTML Content.The latest version of the script can be found here:

Dwreplace isn't something that we need to change much. It does the job and doesn't require much maintenance. However, there have been a few updates since the article appeared.

We have added the --null option, which allows you to run find in conjunction with dwreplace. e.g.

find . -print0 | dwreplace --rfile=blah.rfile --null

However, you don't need to null terminated filenames to stdin (I prefer this method instead, because its simpler). You can also use regular newline terminated filenames like this:

find . -print | dwreplace --ffile=blah.rfile                  

This works just like "zip" using the -@ option. (-@ is one of my favorite options to zip which you should know about if you don't already)

For example:

# make a backup, reading from newline terminated lines

find . | zip -@

# then list the files and replace the HTML text.

zip -l | dwreplace --ffile=blah.rfile

There is also a new --m option, which shows matches only, do not show unmatched files. Thanks for Joseph Lamoree for that contribution.

Run dwreplace --e

to see an example rfile and without any options to see the options available.

The script is a small contribution to Open Source, but it proves to be a useful utility which people use again and again. Last year, I was surprised to have someone send me a free T-shirt. The person ran a bamboo clothing store e-commerce site, and the script saved him a few hours.

If you have any contributions, questions or comments (or free t-shirts) please leave below, or email me at charles dot dalsass at

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