If your company serves multiple markets, the prospects you attract to your website can vary greatly in terms of their individual needs and areas of interest. A diverse or expansive product line brings additional complexity to the task of quickly getting the right content to the right prospect, at the right time.
By integrating capabilities for prospect self-selection and/or dynamic targeting into your site, it’s possible to effect substantial increases in average session time, pages viewed per session, lead conversions and more. Here are few ideas for building these powerful tools into the DNA of your website infrastructure, and into your overarching inbound marketing strategy.
Use additive data to build prospect profiles.
It’s rarely possible to collect a critical mass of data/knowledge upfront. The idea is to create a lead nurturing path that continues to build on what you know about a prospect. This way, you’re able to serve appropriate content to deepen engagement and keeping the prospect moving toward a conversion.
Create content hubs based on interests.
As soon as you begin to determine what segment of your content is of the greatest interest to a prospect, you want to keep bringing the most pertinent and valuable information forward. One way to do this is by routing prospects to the most appropriate landing pages and sections of your website via CTAs with strategically planned links.
You may also consider setting up subsidiary mini-sites that demonstrate a specific focus — starting right with the homepage of each mini-site. When prospects return to your mini-site, they’re continually reminded of the definitive commitment you’ve made to that product/solution category or market/genre. This can clearly establish you as a bona fide expert/leader in the category. The mini-site can also serve as a strong landing point for prospects who find you as a result of other inbound marketing efforts such as social media, email campaigns, SEO and so forth.
Use marketing automation to mine your data.
Even a modest investment in marketing automation can produce substantial increases in engagement and conversions. Plus, an intelligently built system will work hard for you 24/7, as you’re tending to other marketing and operational tasks.
Some of the benefits you can gain by automating your marketing include:
- Using the domain portion of a prospect’s email address as an initial cue for which areas of interest may be the most appropriate to display.
- Serving up the most pertinent content based on navigation paths followed on the current and/or previous visits.
- Identifying new and returning visitors who are already in your database, in order to access a wealth of information already collected.
- Dynamically changing the content of a landing page or mini-site on the fly, based on the visitor’s profile and past behaviors on your site.